Business Coaching Program - Comprehensive Strategy Setting Session - Christine Beard | Business and Executive Coaching

Book your Meeting with Christine Beard, Business Coach with Christine Beard now.

Duration: 90 minutes
Name: *
Email: *
Mobile: *
Hi there, 

The purpose of this worksheet is to let you take a moment to define what are the key areas that represent your current business challenges.  

Select those that are most relevant for you so that Christine knows what you would like her to talk to you about during your time with her.   

{"type":"checkbox","name":"__generic","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"","validationMessage":"Please check at least one item.","options":"BENCH STRENGTH: We are 'at war' with our competition in that we are competing with them to recruit A grade people and also needing to prevent our best talent from being poached.\nBENCH STRENGTH: We need to develop a system for identifying and supporting our future managers and leaders.\nBENCH STRENGTH: We need to have a system for supporting the personal development of our future managers and leaders.\nBENCH STRENGTH: We need to develop high levels of cohesion and collaboration among our future managers and leaders.\nBENCH STRENGTH: We need develop a succession plan so that senior managers are taking advantage of a solid, profitable business model \n\nCULTURE CHANGE: We need to master conflict resolution.\nCULTURE CHANGE: We need to reduce the existence of silos, politics and 'turf wars'.\nCULTURE CHANGE: We need to implement a successful and sustained behaviour change approach.\nCULTURE CHANGE: We need to empower our managers to be role models and agents for change.\n\nRETENTION AND EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION: We need to boost our employee retention levels.\nRETENTION AND EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION: We need to improve our employee morale and satisfaction levels.\nRETENTION AND EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION: We need to become the employer of choice in our industry.\n\nCUSTOMER NURTURING: We need to deliver world beating and world class levels of customer service.\nCUSTOMER NURTURING: We need to boost our net promoter score, our level of WOM referrals and the number of raving fans.\nCUSTOMER NURTURING: We need to deliver world class levels of quality and timeliness\n\nSALES AND MARKETING: We need a plan for out marketing and out performing the competition.\nSALES AND MARKETING: We need to have a sales team made up of people at the top of their game.\n\nFINANCIAL RELATED: We need to have better budgeting, forecasting as well as improved trend analysis and reporting.\nFINANCIAL RELATED: We need to boost profitability levels.\nFINANCIAL RELATED: We need to have better inventory processes, analysis and reporting.\nFINANCIAL RELATED: We need to reduce aged debt levels and better cash flow management.\nFINANCIAL RELATED: We need to have ways of scaling up the business and realising its future growth potential.\nFINANCIAL RELATED: We need to have a turn-key, persuasive business model that generates potential prospects interested in buying the business for $$$ or at least investing in the business.\n\nCHALLENGING ECONOMY: We need a plan to be able to thrive in the current competitive market place.\nCHALLENGING ECONOMY: We need to train our managers to lead in this type of competitive environment.\nCHALLENGING ECONOMY: We need to effectively plan for ways to reverse the trend of losing market share.\n\nPROCESS IMPROVEMENT: We need to set up proper on boarding systems, a skills training matrix and \"this is how we do things around here\" processes.\nPROCESS IMPROVEMENT: We need to set up proper systems and processes \nPROCESS IMPROVEMENT: We need to reverse the negative impacts on our productivity levels.\nPROCESS IMPROVEMENT: We need to reduce the confusion about organisational priorities with the front line managers.\n\nSTRATEGIC PLANNING: We need to share a clear 1, 3 and 5 year strategic plan with our managers and team members.\nSTRATEGIC PLANNING: We need to share a clear performance appraisal process aligned with our strategic plan with our managers and team members.\nSTRATEGIC PLANNING: We need to share clear KPIs aligned to our strategic plan with our managers and team members.\nSTRATEGIC PLANNING: We need to reduce the reliance of the business on the founders and other key personnel in the business."}

Why does that area (or do those areas) need attention?{"type":"textarea","name":"__generic2","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"NE","validationMessage":"Please fill in this item.","height":280,"placeholder":"What are you looking for? What do you need? Please note that this box will expand to allow you to write a version of 'war and peace' here.. So fill your boots. Spill! if you feel so inspired."}

Thank you! 

Date of completion of this worksheet

{"type":"text","name":"__generic9","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"NE","validationMessage":"Please fill in this item.","placeholder":""}

That's it!  You are done - I look forward to talking to you about this! 
